Hey everyone,
What a great Sunday yesterday, worship was powerful, we sang the new song ‘broken vessels’ about the amazing grace of God as we started the journey of unpacking the ‘grace’ Series, looking at Grace through the eyes of Old Testament Characters. I preached on Adam and Eve and God’s Father ‘s heart, and how he cares and protects us even when we’ve messed up. In the evening service we looked at Abram and how he was chosen despite having done nothing for God and given outstanding promises. I love how Abram kept moving, whatever was going on in his life, despite his mistakes, he kept journeying. Whatever season you are in, attach faith to it and keep moving and believing, as Paul Scanlon says, ‘God is drawn to movement’.
See you in church!

ps its Connect Groups tomorrow night, another great way to explore this subject of grace.If you aren’t in a group, go to and see the locations there or give the centre a call.
Have a great week

John G

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